Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thanks to the Poll Managers

I wanted to take a moment to express thanks to the dedicated poll workers and managers for the City of Dacula and the two Gwinnett County precincts in or near Dacula. Thank you for a job well done!

For our Dacula candidates, thanks for a good clean, political campaign during the 2011 General Election. We will have a run-off election for the contested seat of Tim Montgomery on December 6, 2011. Congratulations to Susan Robinson on her uncontested race.

Most of all thanks to those who took the time to vote in the City and County elections. I know it is sometimes thought of as an imposition to have to go to two polls. I, personally, am used to it, having voted in every City and County election since I became old enough to vote. Ain't it a grand place to live--a place you can get mad because you have to visit two polling places. I think of those on our old globe that don't have a chance to voice an opinion nor shape public policy. That ought to make us mad!