Friday, September 7, 2012

Conventions Dust Settles---Real Work Begins

Both the Republican and Democrat National Conventions are over. Now the real work begins. One party or the other will energize its voters to victory. We can put aside the heroic spins given and get to the down-to-earth work of political parties--grassroots grunt work--getting the vote out.

One party is trying to energize its voter base by spinning the old tired tales of failed policy, and the other is trying to tread softly to avoid the label of racism so easily applied in our "politically correct" society.

What we really need is an electorate who cares about America. We need to get out of the PC rut and call the incumbent into question about his failed policies. Answer the questions, "Do you believe in the America so many have died to defend?" " Do you care that you are putting generations of Americans at debt's risk?" "Do you care for the poor, the helpless?" "How has the implementation of your policies made a better society for all Americans?"

We need to question the opponent. "How will your policies make America better for all citizens?" "Why should we trust your administration to do better than the current one?"

For November 6, honestly answer the questions:
  • Is America a better place now than it was four years ago?
  • Is the family unit stronger?
  • Do you have a job, or do you expect to have one next year?
  • Who is going to offer you a job?
  • Did you make as much money in 2011 as you did in 2008?
  • Are you paying a greater percentage of your family income on gasoline? on food? on housing costs? on medical care than you did in 2010?
  • Are you generally better off in 2011 than you were in 2008?
  • On a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the very best, rate the performance of the incumbent President's job in office.
As you look back answering the questions and others you have determined yourself, do you think we need a change in the White House? That's a question only you as a voter can answer. Your answer is incredibly important as is your vote on November 6, 2012.

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